With the right apps, a smartphone can do almost anything, but it’s also useful to occasionally ditch your phone in favour of a trusty notebook or Midori stationery. Here are several reasons to carry a physical paper notebook around with you.
Improves and Enhances your writing skills and abilities
Using a Midori stationery improves and enhances writing skills and abilities. Right from our elementary days, notebooks are a means to teach little kids how to write and improve their writing skills and abilities. Through the use of notebooks, pupils from the elementary level up to high school and even tertiary students have improved their writing abilities and vocabulary usage.
Disconnecting is Good For your Brain
Switching from relying on your phone in every aspect of your life to using a physical Midori stationery can be beneficial for more than just your handwriting. You can’t check social networks on your notebook, for one.
Committing to using a notebook for certain aspects of your life—say, your to-do list—can help wean you from your smartphone addiction. Overusing your phone can lead to sleep issues, anxiety, decreased productivity, and other issues and experts recommend putting away your phone periodically during the day to break the cycle of checking and rechecking your notifications every few minutes.
Wrapping Up
Notebooks trump apps when it comes to versatility. Midori stationeries aren’t just for journaling, though they’re great for that, too. A notebook can be a repository from Kami Paper for all the odds and ends you want to remember, from your monthly budget to your grocery list to your list of all the great restaurants you’ve visited or coffees you’ve enjoyed drinking. Nor do you need to use it solely for writing. It’s also a great place for your sketches, doodles, and diagrams.
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